It's really baffling, and very disgruntling to know that when we are talking about keeping hope alive in Nigeria, and don't give up on Nigeria, some unpatriotic Nigerians try to refute the fact that Nigeria can rise again. We all are aware of the situation in Nigeria, and believe us when we say Nigeria is not the worst country in the world. There are countries were feeding is a problem for virtually every citizen of that nation like Djibouti, Somalia, Liberia,; there are countries were you dare not say anything against the government or you'll be sanctioned seriously like North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, there are countries were you can't even move freely because you are afraid of death like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia; there are countries were immorality is in the highest order like the USA, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, Indonesia, where corruption is almost condoned like Venezuela, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, Russia, Guinea, Liberia, Mexico,etc; where the fundamental human rights of the citizens are not recognised but infringed upon and humans are treated worse than animals like North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Libya, etc. There are countries were natural disasters is a reoccurring event like Japan, China, Mexico, USA, Djibouti, Indonesia, there are countries were female education is prohibited like Pakistan, there are countries were women are not respected equally as men and are subjected to the authority of every man like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc , there are countries were development is only in the country's capital like Mozambique, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Eritrea, Niger, Somalia, Burundi; there are countries were you have no right to practice any religion of your choice, but must practice the state religion like Chile, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Brunei, Tunisia, Vatican City, Qatar, etc, yet despite all these, these countries have hopes that things will be well and believe in their country. Nigeria gives you absolute freedom to live your life without any interference, as long as you don't break the rules, yet some of us, Nigerians have the nerves to write off the country as if she's the worst country in the world. Why can't you believe in Nigeria? Why can't you trust in Nigeria? You who thinks Nigeria is a failed nation, what the hell are you still doing in Nigeria? What stops you from leaving Nigeria? What stops you from repairing Nigeria in the little way you can? Is it to condemn Nigeria without helping that you have the ability for? What stops you from taking all your family members out of Nigeria, if you feel, Nigeria is a failure and nothing good can come out of the country? Have you ever bothered to leave the shores of this country and go to most of those countries mentioned above, can you stay there? Can you go to the UK and live the quality life you live here, free from paying high taxes and bills? Or go to UAE/Saudi Arabia and walk side by side with a woman who is not your relative or wife, kissing her or even holding her hand in public, or you the women free to wear make up and any cloth or dress of your choice in countries like Pakistan, Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or free to oppose government policies and actions in Venezuela, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe or can afford a three sqare meal daily in Liberia, Somalia, Sudan, or move freely without fear of being killed in Egypt, Syria, Sudan, etc? Can you live the kind of life you want to live even in Russia, Italy, Germany or Netherlands without being racially discriminated even in the UK? Yet most of these things are not Nigeria's problems, you say anything you like without being killed or imprisoned, you move wherever you want and associate with anyone of your choice in any place without being troubled by the government, in fact there are nations were women can't even drive cars, like Saudi Arabia, and yet we still have the terimity to say that Nigeria is a failure, how failed is Nigeria? Even in terms of corruption, Nigeria now places 35th in the world, and the corruption is political corruption, what about moral corruption? Is the USA, UK, Netherlands, etc better than Nigeria? where in some of these nations, pornography is accepted, homosexuality is legal, Bestiality not a crime, abortion is legal, and yet you say Nigeria is a failed nation? Believe me people, Nigeria is the best you can get now, our problems are just political, and even then these problems are being solved one after the other. So instead of sitting down idle and ranting how a failure Nigeria is, we advise you girdle up, dust your clothes and spring to action on how we can improve the quality of life in Nigeria.
Nigeria is my country, it is my duty to protect and love Nigeria, and whether you choose to accept it or not if your parents are Nigerians and if you like you leave Nigeria and stay in the US for 100 years, your DNA will not change to an American blood, it will still carry that of your Nigerian parents. If you like drain out your entire blood and marrows and transplant new ones from a white person, your DNA will still be that of your Nigerian parents. Your character can only change but your blood still knows it's roots and cannot change. The faster you realise how Nigerian you are anywhere you are, the better for you.
So if you think Nigeria has failed, Please change her.
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