Thursday 8 May 2014

Here Is What Intake Of Cold Water Can Do To Your Health

cold-waterDrinking lots of water is very useful in maintaining a good health; frequent consumption of water can help in flushing the body system and aid in easy digestion of food. Talking about cold water; is it wise to drink lots of it? From my personal knowledge and experience, the answer varies depending on the condition of consumption.
When cold water is consumed, it could aid in losing weight even though not a considerable amount of fat is lost during this process. Here is how it works; the normal human body temperature is tagged at 37 degrees Celsius and the temperature of cold water is at Zero degree Celsius. When cold water is consumed, the body naturally raises the temperature of the water from zero to 37 and during this process, lots of energy is consumed hence calories and fat are lost in the process.
Cold water can be
taken when the body has undergone stress maybe through exercise, dehydration or other rigorous physical engagements. Taking cold water at this point can help cool down the body system almost immediately and replace the body fluids lost through sweating.
However, it is absolutely wrong the drink cold water during or immediately after taking oily foods. When I was much younger, I used to visit my Uncle during holidays and he always warned against drinking cold water during or immediately after meals. His reason being that the cold water solidifies the food and make digestion difficult. Back then, I thought he was trying to deprive me of taking water from his refridgerator but as I grew up and learnt more, I discovered that cold water could do more harm than good when taken during or after oily meals.
I hope this helps.

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