Monday, 10 March 2014

INCREDIBLE! Ghanaian Pastor Supports Mini-Skirts In Church

Photo: Ghanaian clerk says Christians shouldn't judge women coming to church in miniGhanaian cleric believes Christians should not be judgmental of ladies wearing mini-skirts and should not turn them away from the Church. Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), Dr Mensa Otabil, said that instead, Christians should welcome such women and allow the Holy Spirit to work on them.
According to the cleric, after "the Holy Spirit has worked on you for a long time, you add one more inch to your skirt and after a few more time, you add a few more inches and after a long time, you add another inch".
Appealing to the believers, Otabil stated that faith is not about the clothes we wear but about Jesus in us, that is why one should not be cruel.
Otabil also added:
"We receive people as they are when they come to our church and we trust God to work on them."

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