Tuesday 4 February 2014

HEALTH: Lose Weight, Boost Your Metabolism

You hear it all the time - "metabolism", but what is? The process of converting food into energy (movement and heat). Metabolism happens in the muscles and organs, and the result is what is commonly referred to as "burning calories". Metabolism is essentially the speed at which your body's engine is running. 

"Basal metabolism" is the metabolic rate or caloric expenditure needed to maintain basal body functions such as heartbeat, breathing, muscle tone, etc. It is the speed of your "motor" is running when you are still in a reclined position or

sleeping. Basal metabolism accounts 75% of calories expended daily!. 

The good news is that there are 12 ways you can "improve" your metabolism! The more of these you are able to incorporate into your life, the more you boost your metabolism. That means you'll spend ("burning") more calories 24 hours a day!. 

Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you're dying of hunger because they have not had food in 18 hours or more. As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down. Food, especially complex carbohydrates, fuels your metabolism. 
Eat earlier in the day! Research has shown that you can lose weight simply by eating a hearty breakfast and lunch, and a light dinner. Dinner should be eaten as soon as possible, preferably at least four hours before bedtime. 
Never eat less than 1200 calories per day! Less than 1200 is usually not enough to keep your metabolic rate and therefore lower your metabolism. 
Snack often! Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables and grains) fuel your metabolism. Also, snacking prevents it from being too hungry. Hunger is, the less control you have over what and how much. 
Eat more carbohydrates (plant foods), and (many animal foods and other foods with fat) less fat! Carbohydrates boost your metabolism and have fewer calories than fat by weight. 
Do some type of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, stationary cycling, aerobic dance, etc.) on a daily basis (preferably in the morning)! Forget this twice a week. Our bodies were designed to be active on a daily basis! When we are, our metabolism soars! 
In addition to regular aerobic exercise, take a brisk walk for 10 to 15 minute walk at lunch or at night. This serves to increase your metabolism even more! 
Tone your muscles with weights three days a week. Toned muscles send your metabolism through the roof. Do it! 
Look for opportunities to be active. Park as far as you can store instead of looking for the closest parking. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, a broom instead of a blower, etc. Look for the "hard" way of doing things! 
Avoid alcohol! Alcohol depresses your metabolism and stimulates appetite. 
Drink 60 ounces of water a day. Your metabolism needs plenty of water to function properly. Bring a water bottle and drink frequently throughout the day. 
Avoid the "3 P "..... pills, powders and potions! There are no quick fixes! 

Start today! You'll feel better and your metabolism will be in "good shape"!

Why Exercise Works

 If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of exercise you get rather than decreasing your food intake. A recent national study was conducted with two groups of sedentary men, a group between 20 and others 65. Much has been learned from this accumulated data and it is interesting to note that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. Not surprisingly, most sedentary men had more body fat. 

These studies have also indicated that the current governments recommended daily amount of calories does not correlate with the body's energy needs real. For example, although 2400 calories have been calculated for older men, which actually burns an average of 2,800 calories a day. 

Experts recommend that people who want to lose weight start increasing their physical activity. Just being more active in general (like climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator, moving instead of standing still, sitting instead of lying down, as well as showing some excitement and enthusiasm instead of boredom), are things that more effectively burns calories and reduces body fat. Everyone seems to have lost sight of the value of an active life. Consider this, one has a half-hour aerobic exercises much less energy expenditure than our minute by minute movement in the office or at home. 

Millions of Americans are trying to lose weight, spending approximately $ 30 million a year on diet programs and products, often they do lose some weight. But if you check with the same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained the independence of the weight they lost. A national panel recently sought data to determine whether a commercial diet program could prove long-term success. Not a single program could do. Being seriously overweight and obesity predisposes individuals in particular to a number of diseases and serious health problems, and is now a known fact that when caloric intake is excessive, some of the excess frequently is saturated fat. 

People who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. Despite their initial body weight can decrease while dieting, such weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. When the weight returns, returns in the form of fat. To prevent weight gain over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly.

Walking is one of the best exercises for strengthening bones, controlling weight, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept. To lose weight, is more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer with less pain exercises - leading t more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity walks on alternate days, the help system a condition. But on one foot, weight loss is not requried to walk an hour every day as some people want to believe. 

When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are related. Exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is more beneficial than dieting whle remaining inactive.

 2 Reasons Why Low Calorie Diets Don't Work
 Do you plan to follow a low calorie diet to lose weight in fat! Before doing this, read this article to know why under plans low calorie diet does not work!

I can not say how many people have sent me email saying they were certain popular plans low calorie diet for a couple of weeks, only to discover that they have not lost much weight. As such, they felt that wei
ght loss is impossible and therefore exit the diet completely! 

The number one reason low calorie diets do not work is when you eat foods low in calories, your body remains basically malnourished. You feel sick and tired all the time. Forget exercise, you do not have enough energy to complete even their regular activities. All these things happen because your metabolic rate is low!

If you want to lose weight successfully, you need to keep these two things in mind:

1. Calories are not your enemies, calories are not what you should avoid, calories are required to provide your body with nutrition and energy. When the body gets enough food, which will increase your metabolic rate, which will automatically lead to weight loss!

The bad news is that calories are available in junk foods. Thus, while not accumulate fat by eating 10 apples a day (although a single apple contains about 100 calories), surely will get fat by eating 10 hamburgers!

That's the basic difference! You need to avoid empty calories (ie junk foods) and accept negative calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables. Now negative calories means that there is no calories in these foods, but only means that, for them to digest these foods will force your body to burn more calories than what they offer! This translates into a calorie deficit that ultimately will result in weight loss!

2. Building muscle is a must: Do you know that in order to support themselves, muscles burn calories? This in effect means that the lean muscle you have, the faster you will be able to lose weight! Eating foods rich in protein is a good way to build lean muscle, working regularly at the gym is another. There is yet another benefit of eating foods rich in protein, do not feel hungry often and as such the possibility of overeating is almost nonexistent.

When you eat foods low in calories, they can not build muscle, but muscle loss. When your body does not have enough lean muscle is not able to burn fat because your metabolic rate remains at an abnormally low level. So that's one reason why low calorie diets do not work!

Most of these low-calorie diets help you lose only water and muscle, while perhaps fooled into believing that they have lost tens of pounds, have lost the most important thing that prevents it from being thin, and it is FAT! Unless you lose fat, not no way you can get in shape!

3 Easy Ways To Lose Weight 
Want to lose weight without eating boring food and board during hours in the gym? If yes, then I will tell you three ways to lose weight fast! After you finish reading this article, you will realize how easy it is to lose weight! 

1. Ending hunger: the elimination of hunger is one of the most important things you must do to lose weight successfully. If you are always hungry, always going to eat, and weight loss will not happen. You should eat foods that keep you full for a long time. Fiber-rich foods such as lentils, legumes, nuts, apples, peas, etc. are good foods that do not only suppress hunger, but also keep your digestive system healthy!

2. Drink more water: Believe it or not, you may lose at least 7-10 extra kilos just by drinking enough water. How? When you do not drink enough water, your body stores water inside in order to comply with any water shortage in the future. Your body does not hold water so if you feel there is an abundance of water. To ensure that the body of this abundance, you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day!

I found that people who managed to lose a minimum of seven pounds once they started to drink more water! Once your body gets water regularly, it will stop hoarding water and remove any excess water that is stored!

But this is not where the end of many benefits of water. Water also increases your metabolic rate, which helps burn fat and lose weight. Water also detoxifies your body. When your body has rid itself of all toxins, not only lose pounds but also feel better!

3. Hula Hooping: If you want to lose weight without exercising, hula is a fun way to do it. All you need is $ 10 a weighted hula hoop. Just turn around itself at least one minute at a time. You need to do this exercise for ten minutes every day, but if you can not do everything at once, do not worry. Just do when you find a little time.

If only ten times a day, each time spending only a minute into it, you will be able to lose weight. Plus it's fun to do!

You see, weight loss need not be difficult and frightening. Follow the three tips above and see how easy it is to shed those extra pounds!

 Weight loss by calorie shifting
  First let's agree on one thing, lose 5 pounds in a week is not the same as losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks. If you go on a diet that is designed to make you lose 5 pounds in a week you lose water and muscle mass, only a small part of the 5 pounds is fat (and that's what I really want to get rid of, right? ). The calorie diet change is nothing new. He claims he can make you lose up to 9 pounds in just 11 days and you could follow this diet again if you can eat for three days. It is a diet which excludes any of the important nutrients or food groups, and you do not have to starve.

We've all heard of low calorie diets that have worked wonders for many others, most often a friend of a friend. The truth about low-calorie diets is that once you make a significant cut in calories you will lose weight ... for a couple of days. After those days, your body adjusts its metabolism to adapt to the intake of calories. This means running on fumes. This is what is called tormenting yourself, you feel like crap, gets angry about anything, and so on. Still not lose more than a few pounds in the first few days! Of course, if you were to eat 400 calories a day for 6 months when you see a difference. But I do not want to be your wife during these months.
Let's have a quick review of what is trying to achieve. To lose fat, there are several important steps to follow each other in order to take the fat of a fat cell in the cells of muscles and burn it. First, fat cells release fat (in the form of fatty acids), secondly, the fat must be transported to the target cell, thirdly, the fat must be absorbed by the muscle cell and burnt for fuel by mitochondria (the power plant in the cell). We do not have to be more specific than that.
Ok, now is the time to exercise! If exercise is increased energy consumption in the muscle cell (the cry of mitochondria for more). At the same time increasing real muscle mass, which means there are more mitochondria that burn fat wish. Also in an exercised muscle metabolism is higher than that once you start persistently in exercising muscle will burn more fat to stay in shape. The three steps of fat to be used as fuel could be the subject of a healthy diet. This will release more fat in the circulation and the more fat there, more will be absorbed by the muscles.
Now, changing the diet of foods and nutrients are compiled to do this. More fat is released from his cell, and if you drink, as it should, the fatty acids are transported to the target cell without any problem and the diet calling mitochondria makes more fat to burn. It really is as easy as that.
By the way, not just the muscles that burn fat, the liver is also an excellent target because it is able to burn fat without cause. Imagine that, fat burning without a cause ... This has to be well, and of course it is. This is part of the diet and this will make you burn fat even while you sleep.
The other organ that uses a lot of energy is the brain. The brain prefers carbs (glucose) into energy, and under normal circumstances, carbohydrates are the fuel. The brain uses up a quarter pound of carbohydrates per day. If you lack of carbohydrates that the brain uses ketone bodies for fuel. The brain does not like this and not work as well but hey, who wants to lose weight right? This last part is a no-no for me, I want to be alert and feel good and that's why I stay away from low-carb diets like the Atkins diet.
Other organs like the kidneys, and so splen uses almost no energy at all. However, a healthy diet keeps organs healthy and strong.

 Water Consumption Effect Weight Loss?
   Let's talk about water. It is absolutely essential that you drink enough water to maintain the liver's ability to burn fat. And when they do not exist in the department of H2O, your kidneys actually force your liver to take over. And that takes away from the liver's ability to metabolize stored fat.

There are two basic schools of thought when asked how many cups of water a day to drink to lose weight quickly. The first is the generic of 8 glasses of 8 oz servings. I would say this is an absolute minimum, but right on the money for a person weighing approximately 125 pounds. The other school of thought is: you need to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. So few words, a person weighing 150 pounds should drink 75 ounces of water a day. It is nine servings of 8 ounces each. Or nine glasses of water.

If you can get anywhere from 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of water a day are probably fine, but you get the weight of consideration. Drinking water is very important if you want to lose weight fast, but more importantly it really helps you get rid of excess water! What? How can it be?
Well, quite the contrary, the reason that your body is retaining water because you're trying to tell you something! Your body is in crisis mode and is receiving every ounce is because it is not giving enough! Bottom line stop retaining water should begin to drink more per day.
I know that when you and your toilet is best friends during frequent visits, most people call it quits. This is only a brief period when your body is regaining confidence in their ability to give the water it needs. Good news! The most frequent visits to the bathroom to be more water is getting rid of the whole abdomen, ankles and hips. Your body is realizing that you do not need to cling to the water anymore. Finally, you are giving yourself just what you need. So please do not stop now. You are nearing your breaking point. Body over time, you shall be established and frequent breaks toilet less often and be more manageable. Even better, you will see the results of weight loss like never before, if you stick to a regimen of good quality water.
You will also notice something else, less cravings! Sometimes dehydration can cause you to crave more food. Not only will you be full, due to their consumption of water, your body will stop sending false alarms to your brain! If you can add lemon to the water that is making your digestive system a huge favor. The right amount of lemon juice a day helps the digestive process and symptoms such as heartburn, belching and swelling begin to subside.
Lemons are rich in two essential elements that your body needs vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C boost your immune system and help clean the blood. Potassium in lemons also help people with heart disease.
Recent studies have indicated that the cancer develops in an acid environment. Believe it or not despite the fact that lemons are a fruit acid, are a great ph / alkaline equalizer. Lemons actually help your body become less acidic.
The amount of lemon juice if you have? Well, if you weigh less than 150 pounds must have an ounce a day or the equivalent of a lemon. Weighing more than 150 pounds? Doubles and have only 2 ounces lemon juice a day. Try to do this from lemons organic if possible. Just enjoy your lemon water throughout the day with spring water and you will reap the benefits of rapid weight loss and healthy liver, kidney, digestive system and heart health!

Culled from weight loss portal. 

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