Wednesday 5 February 2014

HEALTH: Lose 11kg of Fat in 30 Days… Without Doing Any Exercise!

To start with, I need to let you know the things below:

1. I am not the original creator of this fat loss system that I will be
describing to you in this report. I am reproducing it due to the
number of people that have attested to its effectiveness.
2. I have never tried it personally but I am sure of its effectiveness. Why? Apart from the fact that    the creator is an expert at helping people lose weight, this style of losing weight has received over 5,000 comments most of which are positive responses from people who have tried it.
3. Finally, even though this diet can work for you, you should know that it is impossible for you to stay on it for a period of time that is longer than 30 days. Also, losing weight without exercise always has the possibility of letting you gain the weight back after some time if you
do not quickly adopt a healthy way of eating and exercise after using it.

So, I will advise that you should at least
start to adopt the habit of
exercising into your daily lifestyle. It is good for you. With that settled, let’s continue.

  So, How Do You Lose 11kg of
Body Fat In 30 Days?

It is possible to lose 11kg of body fat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. We’ll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”. Here are the four simple rules you have to follow to make this formula work for you:

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates
Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.

Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again
The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. The number of foods that you can take using this system is seriously limited. Therefore, you will have to mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:

This means you will be constructing your own meals by taking one from
each of the groups below:

 How to Lose 11kg of Fat in 30 Days Without Exercise

These ones (listed below) produce the fastest fat loss:
- Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
- Chicken/turkey breast or thigh
- Grass-fed organic beef
- Fish
- Lentils
- Black beans
- White or brown beans
- Any other class of beans you can lay your hands on. E.g black beans
- Spinach – thick green vegetable (used to make salad, get it at salad
- Asparagus
- Peas
- Mixed vegetables (cabbage, cucumber)
- Green beans
- Other green vegetables you can lay your hands on. (ugu, tete etc)
Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: Keep it
Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all fast food restaurants
can give you a Plate of vegetable salad instead of pies or fried foods. Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy
and quit, not because such diets can’t work, but because they consume
insufficient calories.
For instance, a 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach
is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you
add legumes (e.g beans) for caloric load.
Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain.
With this formula, you can simply eat 4 times in a day.
 10am – breakfast
 1pm – lunch
 5pm – smaller second lunch
 7-8pm – dinner
 12am – glass of wine.
Here is an example of what your food time table for a day will look like and
you can repeat it the following day.
BREAKFAST: Egg whites, one whole egg, mixed vegetables, chicken breast.
LUNCH: Vegetables, peas, spinach
SECOND LUNCH: Chicken thigh, beans, mixed vegetables
DINNER: Beef, local vegetables (e.g tete)
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories
You are allowed to drink massive quantities of water and as much
unsweetened iced tea, green tea, coffee (without white cream), or other
no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like.Do NOT drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. You can have a glass of wine if you like wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.

For emphasis, here is the list of the drinks you may take or not take again:

You can drink any of these:
1. Water
2. Coffee (without sugar or milk)
3. Green tea
4. Unsweetened Iced Tea (Like the one produced by Chi Exotic)
5. Sans water
6. You may take a glass of wine per day if you can’t do without it.
7. Any other ZERO calorie drinks you know
DON’T drink any of these:
1. Milk
2. Any soft drinks
3. Fruit Juice
4. alcohol

Rule #4: Take ONE day off per week
I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day. You are allowed to eat whatever you want on Saturdays, and this means you can go out of your way to eat ice cream, pies and all of the other no go-area foods. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week (by eating these high calorie foods) increases fat loss by ensuring that your
metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t down regulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. There are no limits or boundaries during this ONE day of gluttonous enjoyment. There is absolutely no calorie counting on this diet, on this day or any other. Start the diet at least five days before your designated cheat day. If you choose Saturday, for example, I would suggest starting your diet on a Monday.

Rule #5: Don’t Eat Fruit. Humans don’t need fruit six days a week, and they certainly don’t need it year-round. The only exceptions to this no-fruit rule in this formula are tomatoes and avocados (what people refer to as pears) , and the latter (avocado) should be eaten in moderation (no more than one cup or one meal per day). Otherwise, just say NO to fruit and its principal sugar, fructose, which is converted to glycerol phosphate more efficiently than almost all other
carbohydrates like this:
Glycerol phosphate → triglycerides (via the liver) → fat storage.
There are a few biochemical exceptions to this, but avoiding fruit six days
per week is the most reliable policy. But what’s this “six days a week” business in this formula? It’s the seventh day that allows you, if you so desire, to eat any food you like bread until
you go into a coma.

 In conclusion, the above is all we need to summarize rapid fat-loss for 99.99% of the
population. Followed to the letter, I’ve never seen it fail. Never, never seen it fail. Never!
When you feel mired in details or confused by the latest-and-greatest contradictory advice, return to this fat loss formula. All you need to remember is:

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates (or anything that can be white).
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again.
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories.
Rule #4: Take one day off per week and go nuts.
Rule #5: Don’t eat fruit.

Dear readers,
I wish you success.

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