Wednesday 10 July 2013

Jonathan Is Not Part Of Rivers Crisis- PDP tells ACN

Following the recent upheaval in Rivers State,the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has warned the opposition Action Congress of Nigeria, ACN, to desist from dragging President Goodluck Jonathan into the ongoing crisis in that State's House of Assembly.
The ruling party said it “condemned in strong terms statement by the ACN in which it is seeking to drag the name of President Goodluck Jonathan into the recent developments in the Rivers State House Assembly”.
The PDP Acting National Publicity Secretary, Tony Okeke, in a statement described the ACN’s statement in which it also called for the impeachment of the president as “malicious and the height of political irresponsibility”.
The ruling party accused the opposition of
seeking to aggravate the situation in Rivers State for selfish reasons.
The PDP said it was appalling that the ACN would always seek to distort facts to the extent of trying to link the President to the situation in Rivers state all in a desperate bid to tarnish his image and bring him to public odium.
“This is malicious and indeed the height of political irresponsibility on the part of the opposition. It is highly appalling that the ACN in its usual homage to lies and distortion of facts will go to the extent of dragging the name of the President into the issue just to tarnish his image and bring him to public odium.
“President Goodluck Jonathan has continued to display commitment, candour and sincerity in handling national issues. It is therefore a sign of frustration, desperation and defeat for the opposition to call for the impeachment of the President on account of the issues in Rivers state”, the PDP said in the statement.
The party urged all members of the River State House of Assembly and indeed all leaders in the state to exercise restraint and maintain decorum. It also called on all its members in the state to remain calm. Only God knows when this rift will be put to an end.

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